The Fourth International Alliance for Childhood Conference 2010
Budapest, Hungary
13-16 October 2010
Our Hosts
Wonderfully organised by Andrea Liszka (pictured right) of the Hungarian Waldorf Fellowship (Waldorf Hàz), the general atmosphere was one of excitement and openness.
The lecturers and workshop leaders were well received and the workshops eagerly attended. The pace of events from the beginning was good and the audience attentive to every word. The translation team was tireless and quick; their seamless efforts contributing greatly to making the talks and workshops very accessible.
Conference Report
Letter from Lívia JÁRÓKA MEP
Report on speakers and workshops
Martine Delfos, ‘Let's Game: The Virtual Development of Children’
Martina Leibovici-Mühlberger Mind and Body altering Media – The Impact of Modern Media on our Children
Geseke Lundgren, ‘Development Towards Freedom: Childhood as the Source of Creativity’
Bernard Rorke The Case of Roma Children in the European Union
Ann Sharfman, 'Poverty and Exclusion'